In my SQL "INSERT INTO" string, I would like it to insert today's date if
three of the bit fields are all False, but the iif statement doesn't work
(the datToday variable is declared above and outputs correctly in the string):
....,(iif([UFIR]='False' AND [Ethics]='False' AND [CO_OP]='False','" &
datToday & "',' ')) AS Release_Date,...
I keep getting Run-time error '-2147217900 (80040e14)': Line 1: Incorrect
syntax near '='. Can you not use iif statements in SQL?
three of the bit fields are all False, but the iif statement doesn't work
(the datToday variable is declared above and outputs correctly in the string):
....,(iif([UFIR]='False' AND [Ethics]='False' AND [CO_OP]='False','" &
datToday & "',' ')) AS Release_Date,...
I keep getting Run-time error '-2147217900 (80040e14)': Line 1: Incorrect
syntax near '='. Can you not use iif statements in SQL?