Can you upgrade from 2000 to XP Home?



Is it possible to upgrade a 2000 user to XP home without losing all of their
data etc. Do i need a special version?

Carey Frisch [MVP]

No. You need to purchase a "Retail Upgrade" version
of Windows XP Professional in order to upgrade over
an existing Windows 2000 installation.

Windows XP supported upgrade paths

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User
Microsoft Community Newsgroups



| Is it possible to upgrade a 2000 user to XP home without losing all of their
| data etc. Do i need a special version?

Ken Blake, MVP

HotRod said:
Is it possible to upgrade a 2000 user to XP home without losing all
of their data etc. Do i need a special version?

No, it's not possible and no version will work. You can upgrade from 2000
Professional to XP Professional, but not to XP Home. Microsoft considers
going from a "Professional" operating system to a "Home" one to be a
downgrade, and they don't support it.

Ron Martell

HotRod said:
Is it possible to upgrade a 2000 user to XP home without losing all of their
data etc. Do i need a special version?

As others have explained, this is not a permitted "upgrade".

One reason is that Windows 2000 contains some features and functions
that are not active in Windows XP and these could cause complications
if an upgrade were to be attempted.

An example would be a Windows 2000 machine that was connected to an NT
Server Domain. Joining domains is not supported in XP Home.

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service

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Bruce Chambers

HotRod said:
Is it possible to upgrade a 2000 user to XP home without losing all of their
data etc. Do i need a special version?

No, it's not possible to upgrade from Win2K Pro to WinXP Home; you can,
however, upgrade to WinXP Pro without data loss.

Upgrading to WinXP from Previous Versions of Windows


Bruce Chambers

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