I'm getting some errors that I don't understand.
"Unable to create an instance of the [my installer class]
installer type --> Exception has been thrown by the target
of an invocation. --> The type initializer for [my
installer class] threw an exception. --> Could not find
any resources appropriate for the specified culture (or
neutral culture) in the given assembly..."
Am I supposed to have an installer class for each project
in my solution (except the Web Setup project)? I have an
installer class for each project in my solution right now,
so I get the above error for 2-3 of the installer classes.
I have other errors that come and go too. Next time I get
a different error I'll post it.
My assignment is to create a Web Setup App that will copy
all the necessary files to the destination server (in the
proper directory structure), Run SQL Server Scripts to
make any database changes, set IIS settings, handle
permissions, handle versioning, and send emails
notifications when necessary.
I've never created a setup app before. I'm learning
everything as I go, but there isn't much documentation to
help me with the tasks that have been laid before me.
Any help you can provide is appreciated.