Can you share databases long distances?



We have 5 sales people scattered across the country, with 2 people overseeing
our work. Is there anyway to keep the databases sycronized from our
perspective locations? The 2 overseeing people would just want a birds eye
view of emails log, not to get involved, just to monitor. And if so, can the
customized fields in Opportunites, accounts and business Contact information
be transfered through the syncronization? I really appreciate any comments
on this detail because it would make or break our implementation of using BCM
2007. Thank you


We have 5 sales people scattered across the country, with 2 people overseeing
our work.  Is there anyway to keep the databases sycronized from our
perspective locations?  The 2 overseeing people would just want a birdseye
view of emails log, not to get involved, just to monitor.  And if so, can the
customized fields in Opportunites, accounts and business Contact information
be transfered through the syncronization?  I really appreciate any comments
on this detail because it would make or break our implementation of usingBCM
2007.  Thank you

There's a feature called offline, where you have a master shared
database, and users synchronize their machine's offline database to
the macter db when they can connect to it. However, they can only
reach the master db, when they are on the same LAN (e.g. come into the
office) or connect remotely over a VPN.

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