Open, Save As, & most others of a related nature are products of the
operating system, not the program you're using when you call them. They're a
derivative of the Windows Explorer window.
My guess is that you're now using some flavor of Windows Vista as opposed to
the version of Windows you were running Office 2003 on. That's why the
dialog is different than what you're accustomed to. If I'm right you should
find a Search box in the upper right corner of the Open window... In the
Folders List on the left select the location you want to start the search
from then type in the content you're looking to find in the Search box.
You'll find much more about the features of the operating system if you
click the Start button on the Windows Task Bar & explore Help & Support.
HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac
On 8/14/09 10:33 AM, in article
(e-mail address removed), "Beth W" <Beth