I'm running a long, long task - it's an MPEG conversion, so it goes on and
on for 24 hours. Now, that's not a problem, that's just the way it is.
But I'd like to be able to "pause" the task for a few minutes so that I can,
for example, do a scan of something with my scanner. It's hard to do that
while the MPEG converter is running because it uses all the CPU.
But I certainly don't want to interrupt my MPEG converter if that means it
gets stopped altogether and I have to start the whole thing over again
So: is it possible to "pause" a task in Win2000, and then "un-pause" it
on for 24 hours. Now, that's not a problem, that's just the way it is.
But I'd like to be able to "pause" the task for a few minutes so that I can,
for example, do a scan of something with my scanner. It's hard to do that
while the MPEG converter is running because it uses all the CPU.
But I certainly don't want to interrupt my MPEG converter if that means it
gets stopped altogether and I have to start the whole thing over again
So: is it possible to "pause" a task in Win2000, and then "un-pause" it