Can you merge 2 Word documents together (not mail merge)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kurby
  • Start date Start date


I have 2 word documents both have a lot of photos and drawn lines and both
would be a pain to copy and paste into another one so i'm wondering if i can
merge one in the other or insert one into the other like you can with
pictures or clip art.

I have 2 word documents both have a lot of photos and drawn lines and both
would be a pain to copy and paste into another one so i'm wondering if i can
merge one in the other or insert one into the other like you can with
pictures or clip art.


For Word 2003 or earlier: With the cursor at the end of one document, click
Insert > File and choose the second document from the dialog.

For Word 2007: With the cursor at the end of one document, click the Insert tab
of the ribbon, click the down arrow on the Object button, choose Text From File,
and choose the second document from the dialog.
Here's a VB script which will merge many

documents into one word doc, in filename

alphabetic order. TO use: put the code below

into a text file with suffix".vbs", and

create a folder called "docs" in the same

place where the .vbs script is. Place all the

docs you wnt to merge into the docs folder,

then drag it onto the .vbs file. The output

will be created in "docs_CONCATENATED.doc".

'DOCmerge - merges several Word documents (.DOC files) together
'Author: George Birbilis ([email protected]) / Zoomicon (
'Version: 20080325
'On Error Resume Next
const ONLY_DOC = false 'set to true to allow concatenation only of .DOC files (not .TXT etc.)
const MSG_SYNTAX = "Drop a folder with Word (.DOC) documents onto this icon to produce a Word file with the concatenation of these documents"
const MSG_FINISHED = "" '"Finished"
const wdPasteDefault = 0
const wdPageBreak = 7
dim word, fs, folderpath, outdocname, folder, outdoc
Sub ShowList( ByRef arrListName, ByVal strPrefix )
' Custom subroutine displaying the contents of an ArrayList on a
' single line, and the capacity and size on a separate second line.
' Arguments used are:
' arrListName: the name of the ArrayList to be displayed
' strPrefix: a short description to be displayed before the
' actual content of the ArrayList

Dim intLen, strItem, strList

' specify the maximum length of the descriptive text
intLen = 20

' save the ArrayList content to a string
For Each strItem in arrListName
strList = strList & " " & strItem
' trim or pad the description to its maximum length, append the ArrayList content string, and display it
WScript.Echo Left( strPrefix & Space( intLen ), intLen ) & ": " & strList
' display the ArrayList's current size and capacity
WScript.Echo Left( "Count/Capacity" & Space( intLen ), intLen ) & ": " & arrListName.Count & "/" & arrListName.Capacity
End Sub
Sub ParseCommandLine
Dim args
Set args = wscript.arguments
if args.count = 0 then
end if
folderpath = args.item(0)
outdocname = folderpath + TXT_SUFFIX
End Sub
Sub StartServers
'-- Start Word
Set word = CreateObject("Word.Application")
'word.Visible = true
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fs.GetFolder(folderpath)
End Sub
Sub DeleteOldOutput
If fs.FileExists(outdocname) Then
End If
End Sub

Sub ProcessFile(filename, insertBreak)
Dim doc
Set doc = word.Documents.Open(filename)
if insertBreak then word.Selection.InsertBreak wdPageBreak

'word.Selection.PasteAndFormat wdPasteDefault
word.Selection.Paste 'use this one so that it works for Word2000 too
Set doc = Nothing
End Sub

Sub Process
Dim f, first
Dim Item
Dim outputLines
first = true
Set outputLines = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
For Each f in folder.Files
if (ucase(right(f.path,4) ) = ".DOC" ) then
'MsgBox f
end if
ShowList outputLines, "output files"

For Each Item in outputLines
Dim fso, fileItem, filenm
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
filenm = folderpath + "\" + Item

'MsgBox filenm 'uncomment this if you want to see the files as they are processed

Set fileItem = fso.GetFile(filenm)
if (not ONLY_DOC) or (ucase(right(fileItem.path,4)) = ".DOC") then
if first then
Set outdoc = word.Documents.Add
outdoc.SaveAs outdocname
ProcessFile fileItem.path, false
first = False
ProcessFile fileItem.path, true
end if
end if
If Not first Then 'if at least one file was processed
End If
End Sub
Sub Cleanup
Set outdoc = Nothing
Set word = Nothing
Set folder = Nothing
Set fs = Nothing
End Sub
I love this script Stipo. How might we run it via command line?

I intend to use it in a task sequence. During the application install phase, each application that was selected to be installed will drop its manual follow up procedures in this folder. During the cleanup phase I need these docs merged... but I need it to be interaction free.

How might I modify your script to do this, either by passing it the folder name or better yet hard coding the value for the folder name?

Again, great script and thank you for any help you are willing to offer!