Can you help ? SP4 Update Probs !!



Help ?? Had problems when downloading SP4 Update over the
net... took about 4.5Hrs at dial-up speed. It did come
back with an error (but can't remember what the code
was !!). However, now when I boot my machine I have NO
access to my Microsoft products ?? All the Icons are there
and but when trying to open a product such as
Outlook or Word I keep getting referenced to install my
original Windows 2000 Professional SR-1 disc, which I'm
reluctant to do as I think I would lose my data ??

Does anyone out there know how to Un-install an update
even if it hasn't appeared to have downloaded
successfully ??

Many thanks in advance


NNOP-07 said:
Help ?? Had problems when downloading SP4 Update over the
net... took about 4.5Hrs at dial-up speed. It did come
back with an error (but can't remember what the code
was !!). However, now when I boot my machine I have NO
access to my Microsoft products ?? All the Icons are there
and but when trying to open a product such as
Outlook or Word I keep getting referenced to install my
original Windows 2000 Professional SR-1 disc, which I'm
reluctant to do as I think I would lose my data ??

Does anyone out there know how to Un-install an update
even if it hasn't appeared to have downloaded
successfully ??

Many thanks in advance

IF you are in the United States or Canada, why didn't you just order the CD.
Dial-up speeds for this update are far too long ..... as you noted (wasted
your evening)



I'm in the UK..... Still need help if anyone can ??

ask a friend with DSL to download - if necessary - the servicepack again
from here:

Choose your language, click 'go' and then download the 'network'-install
.... round 129 MByte

.... 2000 Professional SR-1? Hm, that should be NOT your Windows-CD. I
think it's your Office CD. Try it once again with your Office CD for
"Office Professional SR-1".

Make first a backup of your data-files! Normally, when you install
Office, you do not loose your data-files.


-----Original Message-----
OK, you really have 2 update questions here.

One is regarding your computer's operating systems (O/S) .. Windows 2000 Pro

... the other regarding applications, such as MS Office 2000 (e.g. Word 2000,

Since you have upgraded your O/S to SP4, you likely need to Update your MS
Office application as well.

The MS Office Online (Home Page) is here:

Notice the automatic Office Update in the upper left of the web page (above
Clip of the Day)
This will take you to the Office Download web page

Select version of MS Office that you are using (e.g. 97/98, 2000, XP, 2003)


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