Can You Explain This?


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
If ever my internet connection is a bit on the slow side I go to my wi-fi router, switch it off and then immediately back on again and, after it reconnects, it is very quick again.

How can this happen? It's as if there has been some log jam in the router that has cleared. It just doesn't seeem logical. :confused:

Just out of interest are there any bright sparks out there who can explain this?
nivrip said:
If ever my internet connection is a bit on the slow side I go to my wi-fi router, switch it off and then immediately back on again and, after it reconnects, it is very quick again.

How can this happen? It's as if there has been some log jam in the router that has cleared. It just doesn't seeem logical. :confused:

Just out of interest are there any bright sparks out there who can explain this?

Ok i'll try do this without getting to technical, because i'll probably end up confusing myself...When your comp is switched on there are lads of other things going on in the background that use the net aswell they all go through a connection table. Now when you jump on the net some of those processes will be suspended or stopped, giving you browsing priority, unless those processes have priority. Now the router is a bit daft at times, You might switch yur PC off for the night, but those Processes that were stopped/ suspended are still hung in your router..Now the next time you start your PC up, all those processes will start again, And instead of clearing the ones that are hung on theconnection table, so they just find another way around. And this will bottle kneck your browsing speed. Resseting your router clears this table, and opens up everything and lets you fly again...Hope that is of some help to yu..
nivrip said:
Is that a technical or non-technical term? ;)

Thanks MadX.

Its a technical word in laymans terms
Hope it helped you though.