I don't use Micro$loth win, but when I last bought a
80 GB IDE, I asked the vendor to put W98 on the
first 1 GB partition. And later I was able use it to
connect via my friends Fixed-Wireless-Terminal.
But when I bought my own FWT, it had the new
usb "Zero-CD" system, which needs XP or later.
I refuse to pay for Micro$loth crap !!
Now a "Seagate 3.5" 1TB expansion hard drive ..
plug-n-play...USB 2.0..." could be usefull,
provided it's not just a flash-mem and it can
be asscessed by standard USB, for linux too.
So, even if it's slow, if I asked the vendor
to install XP on the first 4GB, could I access
the FWT via XP using my non-M$-PCs?
I.e. can XP be moved between PCs via
a usb-IDE?
== TIA.
80 GB IDE, I asked the vendor to put W98 on the
first 1 GB partition. And later I was able use it to
connect via my friends Fixed-Wireless-Terminal.
But when I bought my own FWT, it had the new
usb "Zero-CD" system, which needs XP or later.
I refuse to pay for Micro$loth crap !!
Now a "Seagate 3.5" 1TB expansion hard drive ..
plug-n-play...USB 2.0..." could be usefull,
provided it's not just a flash-mem and it can
be asscessed by standard USB, for linux too.
So, even if it's slow, if I asked the vendor
to install XP on the first 4GB, could I access
the FWT via XP using my non-M$-PCs?
I.e. can XP be moved between PCs via
a usb-IDE?
== TIA.