Can user choose report fields?

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Good day all...

I was wanting to set up a report that when opened or from a form, have the
user select what fields they would like on the report?

Is this possible?


Brook said:
I was wanting to set up a report that when opened or from a form, have the
user select what fields they would like on the report?

Yes, within reason. it is possible.

I suppose your next question will be How? ;-)
That can vary depending on what you want the user to be able
to specify and how the end result is supposed ot look. The
simplest way would be to include all the fields and make
them visible/invisible as specified. Another is to include
the appropriate number of text boxes on the report and set
their ControlSource property to the user selected field
Thanks for the response Marshall,

In the end I guess I would like the following... a form of some sort to
open prior to the report the user will then choose the fields from a list,
then click OK or Open Report to open the report with those fields only being

Is this clear?

Thanks again..

Well, it's as clear as it was before. You need to break
this goal down into smaller steps and start working your way
through each little step. These newsgroups are not an
appropriate forum for tutorials or broad scope how to

I think you should start by creating the form with a simple
text box to specify a field along with a command button to
open the report. Then try to get the report to change a
report text box so it displays the field from the form.
Then figure out how you are going to present the list of
fields to users.

The kind of questions that are appropriate in these
newsgroups are detailed questions related to a specific
problem you're having in one of the small steps I suggested
Hi Brook,

Go to this page on Armen Stein's site:

Download and unzip this file: Customizable Reports
(at the bottom)

It has a very interesting technique that seems to fit just what you need.
I have not used it myself, but perhaps you can do something similar
by studying the code.

Good luck,
Jeff Conrad
Access Junkie - MVP

in message:
Good Day Jeff,

Thanks for the post... that is almost exactly what I want to do... the
only difference would be to edit the visible fields on the fly... so before
the report opens, a form would pop up allowing the using to select the fields
to view... that report would not be saved, but just shown in preview for the
user... Any suggestions?

in message:
Thanks for the post... that is almost exactly what I want to do... the
only difference would be to edit the visible fields on the fly... so before
the report opens, a form would pop up allowing the using to select the fields
to view... that report would not be saved, but just shown in preview for the
user... Any suggestions?

Hi Brook,

I do not have the file in front of me at the moment, but I believe the sample
does exactly what you want. From memory if you click the Design (???) button,
a form pops up and you can click on the various fields you wish to show
in the report. You'll probably have to study the code behind the forms to
see what is happening and adapt to your needs.