Wojo said:
awww but that's the FUN part too!
Problem solving, solutions, more problem solving, I love it!
But thats the nub.........YOU (Wojo) are more than capable,
and You Wojo, are fully conversaint with the implications of
downloading/installing "beta" software............................
Though fully understood why someone of your standing Wojo,
would enjoy the intracacies of "beta" testing, it baffles me as to
why any others would be tempted to become involved in the
problem-solving aspect of *beta* software, let alone a convoluted
future-proofed OS such as Vista? This is the next mega-step in
Windows Operating systems, - The "future", and though to someone
such as yourself Wojo, it's obviously a challenge, and your feedback
adds to it's evolvement, but why do "everyday windows users"
latch onto such beta software without realising the issues involved?
You have proved you can cope, and it's "FUN" to you, and I like to
think that even I could at least weave my way through it, but why do
not others realise what *Beta* involves? Just One example.......
Symentec are a major player in the anti-virus arena, and their Nortons
applications are top flight, fully functioning security applications, But...
With MS Windows Vista *BETA*, I've noted that both Nortons AV 2004
and 2005 are more or less actively compliant with Vista Beta, but not so
their advanced 2006 version? It has to be conceded that until Symentec
deal with this issue, anyone who opts for the *Beta* version of Vista
and than relies on 2006 Nortons, will have serious compatibilty issues?
But many downloaders of *Beta* Vista do not seem to do their homework
concerning this new OS?
That all aside, keep up the good work Wojo, you're a star!