I would like to be able to make a 'matrix' with the intersection of the Row
(System) & Column (Color) to show the text content(s) of the field (Site
Name(s)). If the content is a unique number I have used the TRANSFORM
Sum(...) to display the infomation but now I would like to display a text
TRANSFORM Count(tblEDACSSite.[Site Name]) AS [CountOfSite Name]
SELECT tblRACOMSystems.[System Name], tblRACOMSystems.Set
FROM tblSiteColorCode INNER JOIN (tblHomeSite INNER JOIN (tblRACOMSystems
INNER JOIN tblEDACSSite ON tblRACOMSystems.[System Name] =
tblEDACSSite.SystemPreRebanding) ON tblHomeSite.[H-Site] =
tblEDACSSite.[H-Site]) ON tblSiteColorCode.ColorCode = tblHomeSite.ColorCode
GROUP BY tblRACOMSystems.[System Name], tblRACOMSystems.Set
PIVOT tblSiteColorCode.ColorCode;
TRANSFORM Count(...) shows the number of Sites but I would like to display
the Sites Name(s). Is there an expression that will do this?
Regards - Steve
(System) & Column (Color) to show the text content(s) of the field (Site
Name(s)). If the content is a unique number I have used the TRANSFORM
Sum(...) to display the infomation but now I would like to display a text
TRANSFORM Count(tblEDACSSite.[Site Name]) AS [CountOfSite Name]
SELECT tblRACOMSystems.[System Name], tblRACOMSystems.Set
FROM tblSiteColorCode INNER JOIN (tblHomeSite INNER JOIN (tblRACOMSystems
INNER JOIN tblEDACSSite ON tblRACOMSystems.[System Name] =
tblEDACSSite.SystemPreRebanding) ON tblHomeSite.[H-Site] =
tblEDACSSite.[H-Site]) ON tblSiteColorCode.ColorCode = tblHomeSite.ColorCode
GROUP BY tblRACOMSystems.[System Name], tblRACOMSystems.Set
PIVOT tblSiteColorCode.ColorCode;
TRANSFORM Count(...) shows the number of Sites but I would like to display
the Sites Name(s). Is there an expression that will do this?
Regards - Steve