TotallyConfused said:
I have a flat file that I need to import into Access database with about
fields. In my database, I have 6 tables that need to be updated with the
data from the flat file. Can this be done automatically? If so how can I
this without too much coding. (I am not good with coding) Any help will
greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Yes is certainly can be done, however you'll have to explain a little bit
more in details how you need to update those six tables. Are you attempting
to append records to those tables, or are you attempting to update
particular data?
I would import the table, and then use the query builder to build the
updates you need.
once you built the update queries (the query builder can often help you
here. then, you start automate the import and have your code execute the
"update" quires.
So, start with a manual import. Then build quires. Once you have all the
steps working, then you can start writing code to execute the whole process
as a one step affair.
If the imported table was a part number + a new price, then a update query
could be BUILT AS follows.
Drop in the table you want to update
Drop in the imported table.
Drag the price field into the query grid.
draw a join line on the key value (in this case partnum) between the two
Now from the menu change the query from a select to a update query. In the
update to value, type in the name of the price field from the imported
If you run this query, then you updating rows in the table from the imported
For any testing and update stuff, if you new to this, then work on a copy
until this works the way it should....
You can also type in a query in sql view also. the above query would look
UPDATE tblParts INNER JOIN tblNewPartPrice ON tblParts.PartNum =
SET tblParts.PartPrice = tblNewPartPrice.PartPrice
So, you can "join" on a common field on the imported table, and that will
enable you update your existing tables.