John Saunders
Is it ever possible for a RowUpdating event (SqlRowUpdating, etc.) handler
to cause the Update to skip the row? For instance, if e.Status is set to
UpdateStatus.SkipCurrentRow, is the current row still updated?
If so, it's not clear from the documentation, and I'd love to see a
documentation reference saying that this is true, either in general or for a
particular ADO.NET provider.
If it's not possible, then does anyone know why not?
John Saunders
to cause the Update to skip the row? For instance, if e.Status is set to
UpdateStatus.SkipCurrentRow, is the current row still updated?
If so, it's not clear from the documentation, and I'd love to see a
documentation reference saying that this is true, either in general or for a
particular ADO.NET provider.
If it's not possible, then does anyone know why not?
John Saunders