Can´t bind DataView to DataGrid

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ola Myrgart
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Ola Myrgart

Hi !

Have a problem with following.

Sub BindData()
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
Dim myDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim myDataSet As DataSet
Dim myDataTable As DataTable
Dim myDataView As DataView
Dim myRow As DataRowView

myConnection = New SqlConnection(
"server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=help;database=annonser" )
myDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter( "Select * From kunder",
myConnection )
myDataSet = New DataSet()
myDataAdapter.Fill( myDataSet, "kunder" )
myDataView = myDataSet.Tables ("kunder" ).DefaultView
myDataView.RowFilter = ddlLan.SelectedItem.Value
myDataView.Sort = "Datum DESC"

dgSoksida.DataSource = myDataView
End Sub

Exception Details: System.Data.EvaluateException: Cannot find column

What´s the problem.

Please help !

OM "Myggan"
you did not write, which line you are getting an error.
first check how many columns you are getting in datatable and dataview.

Rajesh Patel
you need to specify which column you want to filter to the selected value,

myDataView.RowFilter = "[columnname]= '" + ddlLan.SelectedItem.Value +
myDataView.RowFilter = "type='None'" where type is my columnname
hope that help,

Rajesh Patel said:
you did not write, which line you are getting an error.
first check how many columns you are getting in datatable and dataview.

Rajesh Patel

Ola Myrgart said:
Hi !

Have a problem with following.

Sub BindData()
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
Dim myDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim myDataSet As DataSet
Dim myDataTable As DataTable
Dim myDataView As DataView
Dim myRow As DataRowView

myConnection = New SqlConnection(
"server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=help;database=annonser" )
myDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter( "Select * From kunder",
myConnection )
myDataSet = New DataSet()
myDataAdapter.Fill( myDataSet, "kunder" )
myDataView = myDataSet.Tables ("kunder" ).DefaultView
myDataView.RowFilter = ddlLan.SelectedItem.Value
myDataView.Sort = "Datum DESC"

dgSoksida.DataSource = myDataView
End Sub

Exception Details: System.Data.EvaluateException: Cannot find column

What´s the problem.

Please help !

OM "Myggan"
Thank you !

Now it works as it´s supposed to. I´ve only one more question and that
is, can I combine two DDL:S in my dataview. Is it possible to combine it
in the same row
as the first one?

The first one is like this :

myDataView.RowFilter = "Ort = '" + ddlLan.SelectedItem.Text + "'"

Once again - thank you !

OM "Myggan"
Hi again !

Another thing came to me trying to get a view not filtered by the DDL.
How do I reset the filtering in my dataview - that is - How can I
display all items without filtering when I select all in the DDL. (Code
samples much needed)

Any ideas ?

OM "Myggan"
You can combine like,
dv.RowFilter = "type='" + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Value + "'" + " and
price >=" + DropDownList2.SelectedItem.Value
Hi again and thank you for your answers. I´ve tried it out and it works
halfway. I tried to combine 2 DDL:s like:

myDataView.RowFilter = " Ort = '" + ddlLan.SelectedItem.text + "'" + "
and Kategori = '" + ddlKategori.SelectedItem.text + "'"

It work but not as it should. I tied to reset one DDL by :

If ddlLan.SelectedItem.Value = "none" then
myDataView.RowFilter = ""
End If

and I also set the AutoPostBAck for the DDL to "True". So the reset
works well. It´s the combined filtering that won´t work. Either one
takes control i seems. Separatly they work just fine.

Here´s the whole Sub:

Sub BindData()
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
Dim myDataAdapter As SqlDataAdapter
Dim myDataSet As DataSet
Dim myDataTable As DataTable
Dim myDataView As DataView
Dim myRow As DataRowView

myConnection = New SqlConnection(
"server=localhost;uid=sa;pwd=idioterna;database=annonser" )
myDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter( "Select * From kunder",
myConnection )
myDataSet = New DataSet()
myDataAdapter.Fill( myDataSet, "kunder" )
myDataView = myDataSet.Tables( "kunder" ).DefaultView
myDataView.RowFilter = " Ort = '" + ddlLan.SelectedItem.text
+ "'" + " and Kategori = '" + ddlKategori.SelectedItem.text + "'"
myDataView.Sort = "Datum DESC"

If ddlLan.SelectedItem.Value = "none" then
myDataView.RowFilter = ""
End If

dgSoksida.DataSource = myDataView
End Sub

Any ideas ?

OM "Myggan"
Hi !

Forget it I´ve got it right now. Sometimes you can´t see the obviuos.

OM "Myggan"