Well Shane... if you promise not to get too crazy I'll talk it over with you

You've brought it up before and even offered your opinion that "anyone
who wants to allow everyone to easily see their code is a moron." I let it
slide because I didn't need an argument...
Security is a concern clearly. It would be hard to believe that large
companies with software products to sell and larger companies making use of
that software wouldn't be interested in security. They are risking much
more than (I imagine) you are in this case.
Well, what I want to do is insure that my dll is only called by my exe...
The first thing to consider is, is this a worthwhile goal? Perhaps it is
_very_ important but do you really believe that I (for instance) intend to
call your .dll if I could only get my hands on it? Again, it might be very
problematic but are you certain you aren't just imagining all these people
who can disassemble and reverse engineer your creation but are unable to
create similar software themselves?
I think one of three things:
1.) Most people are using something else to not have to deal with this for
anything of real importance.
2.) There is some solution but is hard to find.
3.) Most people are insanely excepting the terrible security issues that
Microsoft has presented us with with all this mess.
Or 4) some combination of the above plus the knowledge that preventing theft
is trade-off. There is no perfect solution and there never will be. That's
why the music industry was worked up over music piracy and the movie
industry is concerned about DVD piracy. Apparently illegal copies of "The
Passion" (Mel Gibson's movie) are already available on the street. Would
you like to purchase a fake Rolex watch?
How can you really distribute code--even a simple app, that needs to be
updated and all and get any revenue from your work, under these
Yet people do it. WinZip is doing well (so far as I know) and I registered
my copy despite the fact that you don't have to in order to use it. How
many illegal copies of most games and products like Norton Antivirus, MS
Office, PhotoShop and such do you think there are? I found an estimate from
a few years back (and of course it is largely a guess) that estimated piracy
costs the software industry $2.6 billion annually. That's a lot of
Every ofuscator and encryption company claim to be the best.. Yet after
more than a week of reading and discussing I don't feel real good about any
of these solutions, and since code is so easy to decompile no solution seems
to offer much protection. Seems like a giant step backward.
This isn't the first time. Java suffers the same problem (see: Mocha) as
did VB3 and FoxPro and Clipper and other languages that produce intermediate
code. The step is "backwards" if decompiling is your primary goal. There
are alternative goals and non-native code compilers fill that niche.
Am I missing something here? Is there a good solution? Will there be? Or
should I just invest my time in learning something else that is more secure?
I'm really wanting some answers.
There is no good solution for all sorts of things. You can be run over by a
car or your car can be hit by an uninsured driver. You can lose your house
in a flood or a tornado. You can get mad cow disease or the asian flu.
Somebody can take the CD you distribute your software on and clone 1000
copies of it.
I'm not just making fun, seriously what measures would you suggest be taken
to insure you don't lose revenue and nobody else uses your .DLL? If you
have a solution (and particularly if it can be applied to software, music
CDs and movie DVDs) you are on your way to success. Everybody wants such a
solution, you aren't the first to ask for it and I'll wager the companies
losing millions are as concerned as you.
Should you invest your time learning something more secure? Sure, what
would that be? Are the losses incurred by MS, Symantec, et.al. due to their
choice of language? Is it the O/S which you are going to change? Perhaps
get into manufacturing goods, they're never stolen... banks are never
robbed... Earth can be a dangerous place, people do stupid things for
short-term gain... there is no technological solution to the clever,
desperate, determined criminal. That's why they have jails