Can someone tell me....

Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Can some one explain,simply,how do I make an "avatar" That is,is there a special program I need?
Also how does one add a signature to the end of posts. I`ve looked in FAQs but I don`t quite under stand how to go about it.
Very many thanks for any advice.
All the best
Hi Historian,

You don't need any software to make your own avatar unless you want to re-size an image you already have to upload (in which case most photo programs will do, such as google picasa). If you want one of the existing avatars, go to this options page to pick one:

Also, to add a signature you can go to this page : - just type in a small bit of text and it will appear after each post :)
historian said:
Can some one explain,simply,how do I make an "avatar" That is,is there a special program I need?
Also how does one add a signature to the end of posts. I`ve looked in FAQs but I don`t quite under stand how to go about it.
Very many thanks for any advice.
All the best
You can use any picture stored in your computer as an avatar, providing it is no bigger than 100 x 100 pixels. The pixel value dictates the size of th epicture and is usually specified in any graphichs editor you may have within your applications. So if it is too large just reduce the size to less than or equal to 100 x 100 pixels and "save as" new image witha different name.

You can then go to your Control Panel by clicking th efirst item in "user menu" on the left hand side of this screen and choose "edit avatar" from the menus listed on the left. At the bottom of new window that opens, you can see "Upload an Avatar From Your Computer" with a window underneath. Click on the "browse" button and just browse through to the image in your cumputer in the small window that will open - select yes button when finished and that will put the address of th epicture in the browser window.

Finally, click on the "save changes" button at the bottom of the edit avatar window and that will upload the picture as your avatar.

Sorry if it was too much detail, but from your question I figured you must be a stranger to the whole process - I hope it helps!
Mines a real picture of me, slightly over weight & going bald.
Hi bigOz.

Very many thanks for your reply.

I like replies with a lot of detail,because you are right I am a stranger to the art of
creating avatars. Following your instruction I`ve selected a few `photos,put them through
MicroSoft`s `photo program to resize them down to 100x100 pixcels.So far I`ve not used any of them
mainly because I don`t like them. I`ll keep looking.
Again many thanks
Hi Ian.

Thanks for your help.
As you can see from my latest post I`ve added a sig`
and it worked.
All the best
Historian, do a goole search with 'avatars' in the title.
You will find many sites out there, mine as said before is a real!:rolleyes:
feckit said:
Historian, do a goole search with 'avatars' in the title.
You will find many sites out there, mine as said before is a real!:rolleyes:
Great family you've got there feckit!