~ FreeSpirit ~
Why does the Security Bar Shield stay yellow and give me no choice to
download this Active-X I need from the MS site? I added the site to the
SAFE ZONE. When I right click on the bar all I get is a tiny window that
says "Information Bar Help" and there is no Active-X choice or information
on AX there at all. How do I get this Active-X since the security bar
doesn't work? Can someone send it to me by e-mail? If not, can someone
tell me how to DISABLE the bar long enough to get the Active-X . I have it
set in security so it should download.
FROM THE WEBSITE: "Install the ActiveX control required to view the website
The website will not display correctly on your computer without this
control. To install it:
1. Right-click the Internet Explorer Information Bar. It's located just
below the address bar.
2. In the right-click menu, click Install ActiveX Control.
3. In the Security Warning dialog box, click Install."
Note: If the Information Bar doesn't appear, or if you've installed the
control but still can't use the website, take these steps to solve the
Example: Internet Explorer Information Bar with right-click menu...........
There is nothing there covering this problem of the yellow shield and no
choices on right click.
download this Active-X I need from the MS site? I added the site to the
SAFE ZONE. When I right click on the bar all I get is a tiny window that
says "Information Bar Help" and there is no Active-X choice or information
on AX there at all. How do I get this Active-X since the security bar
doesn't work? Can someone send it to me by e-mail? If not, can someone
tell me how to DISABLE the bar long enough to get the Active-X . I have it
set in security so it should download.
FROM THE WEBSITE: "Install the ActiveX control required to view the website
The website will not display correctly on your computer without this
control. To install it:
1. Right-click the Internet Explorer Information Bar. It's located just
below the address bar.
2. In the right-click menu, click Install ActiveX Control.
3. In the Security Warning dialog box, click Install."
Note: If the Information Bar doesn't appear, or if you've installed the
control but still can't use the website, take these steps to solve the
Example: Internet Explorer Information Bar with right-click menu...........
There is nothing there covering this problem of the yellow shield and no
choices on right click.