can someone recommend me a CD-rom or book...

  • Thread starter Thread starter sokevin
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can someone recommend me an interactive CD-rom or book... that can teac
me the medium to high level functions of MSExcel.

I dont want a book that teaches you the very basics... like how t
save, print etc. 1 chapter devoted to that may be fine...

i basically wanna learn about vlookup, pivot tables, macros, and thing
that i would require in an accounting role.

thanks :
It sounds like you're looking for a workbook formula book.

I know that John Walkenbach's "Excel YYYY Formulas" get good reviews around

But Debra Dalgleish has a list at:

I think I'd print it and take it with me for the next time I visited a
I have no idea, the excelforum is linked to MS public excel newsgroups and
my guess is that most answers are from the newsgroup.
I have bought 2 excel books and one was John Walkenbach's "Excel 2000 Power
Programming with VBA" and the other was
Excel 2002 VBA Programmers Reference by Stephen Bullen, John Green, Rob
Bovey & Robert Rosenberg.
I can strongly recommend both



Peo Sjoblom

sokevin said:
WHAT are peoples thoughts on "Mr Excel on Excel" that is advertised on
this forum? :)


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