Can someone help me with this error?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Julie
  • Start date Start date


Account: 'Jules', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response:
'-ERR command not implemented', Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error:
0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC18
Tools > Accounts > your hotmail account > Properties > Servers. UN-check "
Log on using Secured Password Authentication " > OK

Compare your configuration settings to those listed on this page:!F92775FC46A390CA!422.entry

TIP: Windows Mail Tools | Accounts | Mail | [new Hotmail POP3 account] |
Properties | Servers | Incoming mail server | Log on using Secure Password
Authentication <=Do NOT check/enable this option!

TIP: Windows Mail Tools | Accounts | Mail | [new Hotmail POP3 account] |
Properties | Servers | Outgoing mail server | My server requires
authentication <=check/enable this option

TIP: Windows Mail Tools | Accounts | Mail | [new Hotmail POP3 account] |
Properties | Advanced:

=> Outgoing (SMTP) server port will need to be 587 (not 25) for most users
=> Incoming (POP3) server should be port 995
=> Both SSL options must be checked/enabled

TIP: Disable email scanning by your anti-virus application. It provides no
additional protection and it may be causing your problem.

Why you don't need your anti-virus to scan your email