Can someone clarify the following code?

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I am attempting to create .asp code that will send an Outlook calendar
invitation based on an online class registration. The following is a link to
MSDN document that satifies the desired outcome.

However, I am unable to determine if the following values are just provided
as fillers and need to be changed to application specific values -

' Meeting item.
strMtgItem = "testmeeting.eml"

' Meeting request item.
strMtgRequestItem = "testmeetingrequest.eml"

' URI of the user's calendar folder.
strCalendarUri = "http://" & strExchSvrName & "/exchange/" _
& strMailbox & "/Calendar/"
and the following

' Create the meeting item in the organizer's calendar folder.
bResult = False
bResult = CreateMeeting(strCalendarUri & strMtgItem,
strMtgRequest, MyCredentialCache)

and finally
' Create the meeting request item in the organizer's
bResult = False
bResult = CreateMeeting(strCalendarUri &
strMtgRequestItem, _
strMtgRequest, MyCredentialCache)

I am most concerned about the strMtgItem and strMtgRequestItem variables
that hold the "testmeeting.eml" and "testmeetingrequest.eml" values. What are
these eml files? Do they actually exist, or is the value a placeholder?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Wrong group. The Exchange development group is This group is for Outlook client calendar feature questions.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
Hi Sue. Thanks for the reply. I apologize. I went through the Exchange Server
link under newsgroups because I saw you post a similiar message in the
Outlook section under the Office Newsgroup. I guess the two links go to the
same place. I will find the right group. Please look for the post. You have
always given me great advice and assistance.