Can somebody explain this ??


Silly Fool
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
Ok I use Firefox as my main browser, if you visit a link it changes from blue to purple to let you know you have already been there. Simple enough.
So last night my hard drive died so this morning I went out and bought el'cheapo form the local corner computer shop
I have spent most of the day reinstalling Windows 7 and different software from CD's/DvD's

The last bit to do was install Windows Live Messenger.

So off I go to Google and type it in the search bar and it show highlited purple. Erm this is confusing. How does my PC know I have visited that link, when the last time I had been there was 3 weeks ago, and this is a clean fresh install on a new hard drive. I be very confused

Its a little bit of magic ;)

Actually in all honesty I would say Google has remembered your IP and cached all your visited sites searched with their engine ;)

naughty innit

That is a guess mind you :D
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Sounds like the type of witchcraft I'd expect from a Mac

SHHHHH!!!! don't mention the word Mac, god forbid the hard drive goes in that. I wold have to take out a second mortage and sell the car to be able to afford a new drive for my Mac :lol:
Google knows all. :)

Google has every e-mail you ever sent or received on Gmail. It has every search you ever made, the contents of every chat you ever had over Google Talk. It holds a record of every telephone conversation you had using Google Voice, it knows every Google Alert you've set up. It has your Google Calendar with all content going back as far as you've used it, including everything you've done every day since then. It knows your contact list with all the information you may have included about yourself and the people you know. It has your Picasa pictures, your news page configuration, indicating what topics you're most interested in.

And so on. :rolleyes:

Not as bad as Facebook. :lol:

Facebook has even more interesting stuff: your pictures, your comments, your likes, your friends, your un-friends. :wave:

Thankfully, we ain't in America, so, look up the "Right to Be Forgotten", it allows us to, supposedly, get our stored information deleted. Just don't hold you breath.

Have a nice day. :)

If your logged into your Google account it could be that your web history is turned on? I turned it off myself.

Or, did you copy over your FF profile to your new build? (Extensions etc)
If your logged into your Google account it could be that your web history is turned on? I turned it off myself.

Or, did you copy over your FF profile to your new build? (Extensions etc)

I don't use gmail, just my talktalk email threw Outlook,
I couldn't copy history as old drive was proper dead, wouldn't even spin up. A few other people have suggested maybe its history stored in my router ?
Doubt it will be your router.....

Must be Goggle keeping tabs on you...! Maybe your on their watch list! :eek::D