Can some one please look at this code and see if there is a better way?

  • Thread starter Thread starter William Morgan
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William Morgan

this is the code for a uuedecode function.. it works but is kinda slow
is there a better way in .net?

thanks for looking..

Private Function DecodeString(ByVal InString As String, ByVal Bytes As
Long) As String
Dim OutString As String
Dim i As Long
Dim x0, x1, x2 As Long 'These are the chars that will be
spit out
Dim y0, y1, y2, y3 As Long 'These are what we got in

For i = 1 To Len(InString) Step 4
y0 = Asc(Mid(InString, i, 1)) 'Get 4 chars and put
into 'y's
y1 = Asc(Mid(InString, i + 1, 1))
y2 = Asc(Mid(InString, i + 2, 1))
y3 = Asc(Mid(InString, i + 3, 1))

If (y0 = 96) Then y0 = 32 'If char is 96 then set to 2
If (y1 = 96) Then y1 = 32
If (y2 = 96) Then y2 = 32
If (y3 = 96) Then y3 = 32

x0 = ((y0 - 32) * 4) + ((y1 - 32) \ 16) 'Calculate the
3 chars
x1 = ((y1 Mod 16) * 16) + ((y2 - 32) \ 4)
x2 = ((y2 Mod 4) * 64) + (y3 - 32)

OutString = OutString + Chr(x0) + Chr(x1) + Chr(x2)
Next i
If Len(OutString) > Bytes Then
DecodeString = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(OutString,

DecodeString = OutString
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return DecodeString
End Function
A number of potential performance problems.

1. Use of Asc & Chr. Asc & Chr will cause the character to be encoded &
decoded from the current ANSI code page (as defined under Windows). I would
use AscW & ChrW and leave the characters as Unicode. I would ensure that
when I read the string it used the proper System.TextEncoding object to
ensure that the characters were all

2. Use of Mid, I would use String.Chars property instead, as you simply want
a single char (in sets of 4).

3. Use of string Concatenation, I would use a StringBuilder instead.

4. I would consider using the shift operators over multiple & divide.

5. Use of Long variables, I would use Integer (a 32-bit value) unless I
specifically needed a Long (a 64-bit value).

Something like (untested, syntax checked only):

Private Shared Function DecodeString(ByVal InString As String, ByVal
Bytes As Integer) As String
Dim OutString As New System.Text.StringBuilder(InString.Length * 3 \
Dim x0, x1, x2 As Integer 'These are the chars that will be spit out
Dim y0, y1, y2, y3 As Integer 'These are what we got in

For i As Integer = 0 To Len(InString) - 1 Step 4
y0 = AscW(InString.Chars(i)) 'Get 4 chars and put into 'y's
y1 = AscW(InString.Chars(i + 1))
y2 = AscW(InString.Chars(i + 2))
y3 = AscW(InString.Chars(i + 3))

If (y0 = 96) Then y0 = 32 'If char is 96 then set to 2
If (y1 = 96) Then y1 = 32
If (y2 = 96) Then y2 = 32
If (y3 = 96) Then y3 = 32

x0 = ((y0 - 32) << 2) + ((y1 - 32) >> 4) 'Calculate the 3 chars

x1 = ((y1 Mod 16) << 4) + ((y2 - 32) >> 2)

x2 = ((y2 Mod 4) << 6) + (y3 - 32)

Next i
If OutString.Length > Bytes Then
OutString.Length = Bytes
End If
Return OutString.ToString()
End Function

Hope this helps
Hi William,

In addition to the complete answer from Jay, I think that it will be good to
look as well to the "string.substring" it can be a very handy method in what
you are doing.
