I thought that I read somewhere that services don't (or can't) have forms.
Is that true?
Is that true?
jim said:I thought that I read somewhere that services don't (or can't) have forms.
Is that true?
Mr. Arnold said:A service doesn't use forms, because the service is meant to run
unattended once it's started/executed, with no user interfacing.
But a Windows desktop application using a form can communicate with with
a service application, just like you see a personal firewall UI that
communicates with its FW service application.
jim said:I thought that I read somewhere that services don't (or can't) have forms.
Is that true?
jim said:Do you know of any examples of this that I can learn from?
Mr. Arnold said:This is a C# example and everything that's being done in C# as far as
using the namespace can be done in VB.NET as well.
jim said:Are you aware that you are in a VB.Net newsgroup?
Mr. Arnold said:Yes, I am aware I am in a VB NG. However, most examples of things are in
C# .Net. You can search Google and see if you can find some examples in
Once again, there is no difference between C# and VB.Net. The only
difference between the two languages are syntactical. You should be able
to take the C# example and come out with a VB example doing the same
Blake said:Unless you need pointers or anonymous delegates![]()
jim said:Exactly! C# and VB.Net are NOT the same. I am just learning VB.Net.
I hate .Net, but the job calls for it. I used to code in VB because I
just hate the syntax of C++. I like more verbose, natural languages.
So, the odds of me learning C# so that I can work in VB.Net are exactly
Mr. Arnold said:I have been working with VB since 1996 and C# since 2004 and for the vast
majority of what the languages do in using the .NET Framework, which is
what we're talking about here. they do the same thing.
What's a verbose and natural language? The only one that could fit that
bill would be Cobol. There is Cobol.NET too that you can use.
No one is telling you to learn C#. But you should be sharp enough to use
an example in C#, as to what you can do in VB. But if you can't run with
it, you can't run with it. Find an example in VB if you can and move on.
Then show use how to do pointers and anonymous delegates in VB.Net.
(And, for the love of God, don't post another "here's how to do it on
C# - you can convert it" BS answer.)
I'm blocking you now......no need to respond.....
Spam said:Yes, but 95% if the applications out there don't need pointers or anonymous
For those apps that rely on pointers so heavily - wouldn't C++ be a better
The *nut* wants it handed to him on a silver tray so that he can use his
silver bowl, silver spoon, and silver baby bottle.
The *nut* can stick it up his silver behind.
Spam Catcher said:Ya too many in this group want to be spoon fed.