This is where SPAMing the newsgroup hurts you, whatever SPAM name you are
hiding behind (how many names have you used have by now? a hundred, a
thousand?) Charlene - ha!, don't make me laugh. The codecage profile was
created just for this SPAM post.
Here your solution *might* have been considered, but because of your
"advertising" method of posting willy nilly (look it up) is so dishonorable,
I would never even mention your product. Did you notice that I have cut out
all the hyperlinks and names that lead back to you? If a product does not
use honorable advertising practices, what chance is there that the rest of
the company (or is it just you?) will be honorable? Very little, I would
think. You have been told about this repeatedly, but you do not learn.
Frankly, I don't care if your product works, your actions reek. You have no
support here because of your short sightedness
"> maybe you can use this software :video converter. It can convert