If your host allows unique permissions you don't need to convert the root to a subweb to apply them
- just turn off anonymous browser permissions in the FP SE
But that means anyone the goes to your URL will be challenged for a password, so a subweb is a better way to protect some but not
all content
| Thanks. I already built a web site as a root web using Frontpage 2003. Now, I
| need to set a password to this web so I believe I need to make this web as a
| subweb. Any suggestion is very helpful.
| "Tom Pepper Willett" wrote:
| > I'm not sure I understand why you want to change a root web to a subweb,
| > instead of converting folders to subsites. A root web is a root web, and I
| > don't believe it can be converted to a subsite.
| >
| > Can you please explain in a little more detail what you are trying to
| > accomplish? Maybe we can give you some more direction.
| >
| > --
| > ===
| > Tom "Pepper" Willett
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > ---
| > About FrontPage 2003:
| >
| > FrontPage 2003 Product Information:
| >
| > Understanding FrontPage:
| >
| > ===
| > | > | Thank you. As I mentioned, this is already a web but is a root web. Can I
| > | change it to a subweb without changing anything inside? If so, how to do
| > it?
| > |
| > | "Jim Buyens" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Well, yes, you just right-click a folder and then choose Convert To Web.
| > | >
| > | > However, this doesn't move all the pictures and files associated with
| > those
| > | > pages into the new subweb. Therefore, in most cases, you should create
| > an
| > | > images folder (and such others as required) and move or copy the
| > required
| > | > files *before* creating the subweb.
| > | >
| > | > You may also need to reapply your Theme, update Navigation view, and so
| > | > forth (if youl're using them) for the new subweb.
| > | >
| > | > Jim Buyens
| > | > Microsoft MVP
| > | >
| > | > Author of:
| > | > *-----------------------------Â-----------------------
| > | > |\----------------------------Â-----------------------
| > | > || Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Inside Out
| > | > || Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
| > | > ||----------------------------Â-----------------------
| > | > || Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
| > | > || Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
| > | > || Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
| > | > || (All from Microsoft Press)
| > | > |/----------------------------Â-----------------------
| > | > *-----------------------------Â-----------------------
| > | >
| > | > "jeffrey" wrote:
| > | >
| > | > > I have a relatively large root web. Can I use FrontPage 2003 to
| > converted
| > | > > this root web into a subweb directly? If so, how to do it? Thanks.
| >
| >
| >