I would like to cheaply and easily take a powerpoint presentation (with a
song) and save it in a format that will play automatically when my website
opens. I've heard that it has to be redone in Flash (costly) with a possible
FrontPage add-in. I've also heard that it may be possible to save it in
windows media player or quicktime but I don't know how to do that and have
not been able to get the song from i-tunes or windows media player into a
..wav for importing it into powerpoint. It seems to only play from a CD rom.
song) and save it in a format that will play automatically when my website
opens. I've heard that it has to be redone in Flash (costly) with a possible
FrontPage add-in. I've also heard that it may be possible to save it in
windows media player or quicktime but I don't know how to do that and have
not been able to get the song from i-tunes or windows media player into a
..wav for importing it into powerpoint. It seems to only play from a CD rom.