I do not understand what you said " View All Relationship". What I do is go
to access menu at the topp " Tools---> Relationship, then we can see all
tables with teir relationship lines. But now I see the tables but no more
There is an icon in the relationships window toolbar with nine table icons on
it; if you hover the mouse over it it should say something like "show all
relations". Or you can use the Relationships menu option and choose Show All.
It seems the reason because I converted it from Access 2000 to Access 2002,
because I see my backup before converstion I still see the lines of
relationship as usual.
The conversion itself *shouldn't* damage relationships but it's possible that
it did.
Could you please help me how can I solve the problem, because I want to
distirubute my church membership database to many churches of my denomination.
I'd love to see a copy. It sounds like you've put a lot more into it than the
little one I've been giving away!
Or is it because I renamed it?. What is the best way to replicate it or
rename it.
Thanks for your help.
Replication is VERY complex and not appropriate in this case. Just renaming a
..mdb file should not affect anything (unless you have some code explicitly
referencing the database name).
Is this application split into a frontend and backend? For a multiuser
database it certainly should be; it's a good idea even for a single user
database if you will be maintaining the forms, reports etc. for a
client/customer. If it is split, then the relationships actually should exist
only in the backend, the file containing the tables. Do you have any relinking
You can check to see if there ARE relationships defined (even with the
relationships window failing to display them) with this VBA code. Copy and
paste it into a new Module; save the module as basRelationships; select
Debug... Compile from the VBA editor menu. Then in the Immediate window type
Call ShowAllRelations
====== code starts here =======
Sub ShowAllRelations()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rel As Relation
Dim fld As Field
Set db = CurrentDb
For Each rel In db.Relations
Debug.Print "Relation "; rel.Name, rel.Table, rel.ForeignTable
For Each fld In rel.Fields
Debug.Print fld.Name; " linked to "; fld.ForeignName
Next fld
Next rel
End Sub
==== code ends here =======