Eric D said:
After installing Vista RC1, I was UNABLE to get online through my Linksys
Wireless router (had to go directly through dsl modem), onboard Soundmax
Audio AND Sounderblaster X-FI will not work with
ISSUES THAT CANNOT BE CHANGED BY USER, the yellow bar won't leave custom
security settings the way YOU want them, it keeps prompting to fix the
security changes.
After installing Vista and VERY UNHAPPY WITH IT.........I tried to
XP 5 times and the message............ERROR READING DRIVE ........appears
after XP installation copies set up files and then restarts.
I've read all the replies, I just thought I'd reply directly to this post.
I seriously doubt Vista "did something to your drive" that's causing this
issue. Vista uses a hard drive the same way any operating system does,
through the controller on the drive. It doesn't flash the firmware or alter
the low-level mapping of the drive in any way, so there's some other issue
with the drive or some other aspect of your system that is causing this
As suggested, use a utility to zero the drive completely (or even just try a
full format instead of a quick format) and see if that works.
You said in another reply that you've run tests on the drive and it comes up
as fine, was this a quick test or did you run a full test? Did you try
several different tests on the drive? This may sound silly, but try another
data cable and/or another SATA connector on the card/board as well.
I'm also extremely confused as to how you've set an SATA drive to
"single/master", there are no jumpers (or anything else) for doing this on
an SATA drive . . . one drive per cable, therefore; no need, or way to, set
What is the make/model of your SATA card (or South Bridge) that the SATA
drive is connected to? It could be a problem with the SATA drivers (if
needed) when installing XP. If they are somehow corrupted, XP may show the
files being copied (initially) to the drive, then when it reboots it can't
read the drive because it's not able to load the SATA drivers properly. You
would expect an error message telling you just that, but it could happen
that it just skips the drivers and then tells you it can't read the drive.
As to your problems with Vista, I've been using it since Beta 2 (yes, many
problems there and spent more time in XP than Vista) but since RC1 has come
out I'm having no more problems with it than I did with Windows XP when it
first came out to retail sale.
I also have an X-Fi that, while not 100% functional seems to work just fine
for basic sound, games and movies (even the 5.1 speaker setting works with
my DVDs in Media Center). Did you download the drivers from Creative?
There are no drivers included with Vista, so if you didn't, there's your
reason for the card not working.
One warning, avoid the ATi drivers like the plague, the few I've talked to
that they worked at all for said they work much slower than the drivers
included with Vista. Only applicable if you have an ATi video card, that
is. ;-)
Since installing Windows Vista RC1 I've not booted into XP once. I
downloaded and installed RC1 the day it came out and in all this time I've
had it working just fine (my analog modem doesn't work, but thankfully I'm
using an 8Mb cable connection for Internet and have no imperative need for
the fax on the modem, at the moment.)
The only real issue I'm having is with the monitor turning off (not turning
off, actually) and standby (no going into standby) when I have any screen
saver set to display, but I can live with this for now.
Oh, and I'm not A+ certified either, but I finished school with a 4.0 GPA
and have a degree in Electronics and Computer Engineering. Also scored 99%
on pre-test prep exams for the A+ exam, both parts. (I just don't have the
money to take it right now), but simply stating these things only tells you
I went to school and did well, not that I actually know what I'm doing.

Just thought I'd add that so you don't get bent when people tell you to try
things that you've already, or think you've already, tried because you "know
what you're doing".