Jerry & Pat
I have downloaded SP1 (32bit) 3 times and when it restarts it fails. I get
a message lkie
!! 0xc0190001 !! 589/73930 (HelpPane.exe)
I have installed the service pack on this computer with no problems at all.
This is my first Vista problem, unlike so many others I like it after
getting used to it.
I have to turn off and reboot by restoreing to old setup. Anyone familiar
with this problem?
a message lkie
!! 0xc0190001 !! 589/73930 (HelpPane.exe)
I have installed the service pack on this computer with no problems at all.
This is my first Vista problem, unlike so many others I like it after
getting used to it.
I have to turn off and reboot by restoreing to old setup. Anyone familiar
with this problem?