Can not get to HHTP://SYMANTEC.COM



I have a compter that I can attach to the internet thru
my DSL router. I have downloaded and installed all the
Windows XP updates.
I can not connect to the web site. I
checked all the setting and they are EXACTLY the same as
another computer on the router that does connect. I
currently have all the internet setting, set to low and
all cookies set to accept.
What is wrong???


Roger said:
I have a compter that I can attach to the internet thru
my DSL router. I have downloaded and installed all the
Windows XP updates.
I can not connect to the web site. I
checked all the setting and they are EXACTLY the same as
another computer on the router that does connect. I
currently have all the internet setting, set to low and
all cookies set to accept.
What is wrong???

If your URL looks like the subject line I doubt it will get through.
what is hhtp:// ???


I did what you say and when Google gave me the list of
SYMANTEC sites, I clicked on the world wide site and IE
responded with the "THE PAGE CAN NOT BE DISPLAYED" screen.


I did what you say and when Google gave me the list of
SYMANTEC sites, I clicked on the world wide site and IE
responded with the "THE PAGE CAN NOT BE DISPLAYED" screen.

Try this:
First go to IE->Tools->Internet Options->Security->Restricted
Sites->Sites and check for any entries there.
Secondly do a search for a file named HOSTS on your C drive and rename
it to HOSTS_OLD. Restart IE and see if that fixes it.


Thank you for working with me.
I do not have any restricted sites.
When I renamed the hosts file to host_old and rebooted
the system. I could not get got to any Internet site.


THANK YOU...............THANK YOU
I had some help here and the little hands took the
ethernet cable out of my machine. Once I figured that
out I renamed the hosts file and rebooted the computer.
Then I could get to the SYMANTEC site.


Thank you for working with me.
I do not have any restricted sites.
When I renamed the hosts file to host_old and rebooted
the system. I could not get got to any Internet site.

My only other thought would be that you should try using a different
browser with the affected computer to see if Symantec can be viewed. If
still not, perhaps your router is at fault somehow.

Jan Il

Thank you for working with me.
I do not have any restricted sites.
When I renamed the hosts file to host_old and rebooted
the system. I could not get got to any Internet site.

Can you do a System Restore to a point before the problem started, or at
least before you did the above and can get access to the Internet again?

Jan :)


THANK YOU...............THANK YOU
I had some help here and the little hands took the
ethernet cable out of my machine. Once I figured that
out I renamed the hosts file and rebooted the computer.
Then I could get to the SYMANTEC site.

See, you fixed it yourself!!!

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