Jeff McKay
I've got several computers networked together by plugging each into a port
on the back of
my DSL box. Internet works fine on all. Now on 1 PC I have configured the
printer to be "shared".
Rebooted, disabled ZoneAlarm just to make sure that wasn't the problem. On
a 2nd PC,
I try to "add a printer" from the Printers and Faxes applet in the control
panel. Tell it I want to add
a network printer, browse for it, but Windows cannot locate the printer. I
tried specifying the
exact name, i.e. \\computername\\printername but I get the same problem.
All my PCs have the
same problem. Any ideas?
on the back of
my DSL box. Internet works fine on all. Now on 1 PC I have configured the
printer to be "shared".
Rebooted, disabled ZoneAlarm just to make sure that wasn't the problem. On
a 2nd PC,
I try to "add a printer" from the Printers and Faxes applet in the control
panel. Tell it I want to add
a network printer, browse for it, but Windows cannot locate the printer. I
tried specifying the
exact name, i.e. \\computername\\printername but I get the same problem.
All my PCs have the
same problem. Any ideas?