Can not download some PDF files



Hello everybody,

I have a problem with downloading some PDF files from our websites. The
problem is not occuring on my PC, but on some other PCs in our company. When
clicking the link (an ASP page which is looking for a file on an internal
fileserver and then showing the PDF with a statement), the user
gets a dialog box with a notification 'Some files can harm your computer...
press Open, Save or Cancel'. When clicking Open, a message appears: Internet
Explorer cannot download file xxxx from website xxxx. However, we are
absolutely sure that the file is available on the webserver. All users use
IE6 version 6.0.2800.1106.xpsp2
A Microsoft patch for this problem was available for IE 6 SP1, but our
version is too recent to install the patch (patch = Q816868)

Thanks in advance

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