can not connect with wireless lan

  • Thread starter australianfeeling
  • Start date


i have a router conected to the principal PC, and i can not connect my laptop
to this router throw Wireless Lan Acces Area,it's been conected before but
due to some viruses i lost the conection.I no longer have this viruses but
still cannot conect,please help me,i don't know where to look.

MowGreen [MVP]

australianfeeling said:
i have a router conected to the principal PC, and i can not connect my laptop
to this router throw Wireless Lan Acces Area,it's been conected before but
due to some viruses i lost the conection.I no longer have this viruses but
still cannot conect,please help me,i don't know where to look.

If other systems can connect to the router, then the formerly infected
system may have had the Winsock stack damaged and needs it rebuilt.

1) *Can* other systems connect to the router via wireless ?

2) If they can connect, are they redirected to sites other then what
they attempt to access ?

3) If you hook up the formerly infected system via an ethernet cable,
does it connect to the router and the sites that you are trying to access ?

The reason I ask all of the above is that certain malware can infect the
router also causing redirects to occur.
IF all non-infected systems can connect and are not being redirected,
then rebuild the Winsock stack from a Command Prompt

Start > Run > type in the below, pressing Enter after *each* command

netsh winsock reset

Restart the system.

How to determine and to recover from Winsock2 corruption in Windows
Server 2003, in Windows XP, and in Windows Vista

If redirection is occurring, then see this:

Resolving DNS Redirectors

MowGreen [MVP 2003-2009]
*-343-* FDNY
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