Can .Net Do This?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kellar Wilson
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Kellar Wilson

I'm trying to find out if .net is the panacea that rumours
say it is. I have two specific questions. The first is,
can you write a .net program or procedure that can write a
new .net program or procedure and run it? Or, better yet,
can you have .net code as a variable in a database that
can be run?

The other question I have is, if I create a
application and have it run off of a Microsoft Server,
will users be able to run the application across the
internet? Will this application be a web-form application
or will it look like a Windows application? Will the
users need to download whole chunks of the program to run
it on their computers?

Any input is appreciated.

Thank you,

Kellar Wilson
There are two run-time environments: ASP.NET (Web Forms) that run
in the context of the browser via HTTP and Windows applications
(Windows Forms) that run on the 'desktop' or a device as the case may be.

The DNF (.NET Framework) must be installed on the server to
enable ASP.NET and on the device (client machine) when wanting to
run a Windows application. The client DNF download for the desktop
is ~20 MB and there is a version called the Compact Framework that
is ~3 MB for mobile devices.

ASP.NET applications can be made to look and feel like Windows
applications. The output is client-side DHTML that is best displayed and
accessed using IE 5 or newer in this context, and in fact in some regards,
is a requirement. The DNF can output HTML that is cross-browser
compatible but functionality is degraded when using inferior browsers.

As for your other questions I refer you to the following...

Generate and Execute Dynamic Script With .NET

Microsoft .NET CodeDom Technology - Part 1

<%= Clinton Gallagher
A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development
Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA
NET (e-mail address removed)

LaGarde StoreFront 5 Affiliate: e-Commerce Software Development

Kellar Wilson said:
I'm trying to find out if .net is the panacea that rumours
say it is. I have two specific questions. The first is,
can you write a .net program or procedure that can write a
new .net program or procedure and run it? Or, better yet,
can you have .net code as a variable in a database that
can be run?

I believe the DNF supports this objective using CodeDOM

Thank you for your response, it was very helpful and the
linked pages more than answered my questions on .Net.
