Hi Dave,
Thanks for your post!
As I know, .NET Framework didn't provide this feature, however, you may try
using the "global hot key" by PInvoking some APIs. The API you need is
RegisterHotKey/UnregisterHotKey, you also need handle the WM_HOTKEY message
by overriding the WndProc. The PInvoke declarations are:
public static extern int RegisterHotKey(int hwnd,int id,int
fsModifiers,int vk);
public static extern int UnregisterHotKey(int hwnd,int id);
Also, here is an article on how to use global hot key in an unmanaged
application, I hope it is helpful to you.
Does it answer your question?
If you have any problem on this issue, please be free to reply to the group.
Best regards,
Ying-Shen Yu [MSFT]
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