No, I don't have such an item. I'm not certain I've ever even seen a trail
version for MS software (or other software for that matter).
My question was asked because I did unwittingly purchase a trail version of
MS FrontPage 2003 on eBay but didn't know it was trial ware. The listing
title read as if it was new, never installed MS FrontPage 2003. (and
technically it was!

The notation about it being trial ware was noted in
tiny text spaced far down on the listing description, placed as if it might
have been designed to be overlooked.
I bought it on a "Buy It Now" and when I discovered in the next hour it was
trial ware, I informed the seller that I didn't want it. Of course, I
expected to have something deducted from my PayPal payment of $62.00 to
compensate the seller for my cancellation. Imagine my surprise when they
immediately charged me $37.38 in return fee's for a CD I never even had in
my possession! Someone mentioned to me that they wondered if it was even
legal to sell such software so that's why I ask.
Before anyone writes that I shouldn't be complaining, you are correct. I'm
only answering the question posed by the last poster to this thread. I
accept the mistake is mine. I've been a member of eBay for 10 years, so I'm
not a newbie and certainly know to read everything carefully, just missed
this one.