Can I use VS 2005 to edit my ASP.NET 1.1 Code and Projects?

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VS2005 and ASP.NET 2.0 are supposed to be backward compatible
with 1.1 so the answer would be yes. Common sense suggests Microsoft
would not cut off its nose to spite its face with regard to its critically
important technology. I haven't read anything about backward compatibility
with 1.0 though...
Can you? Sure.
Should you? Never.

First, 2.0 will update the projects .... AGAIN. Second, it is betaware.
Third, you will likely be tempted to add new FUD to your project and make it
so you cannot roundtrip any files. Fourth, if using ASP.NET, the CodeBeside
model is different from the CodeBehind; while it is backwards compatible, you
will likely forget you are creating with CodeBeside and create a new file
that will no longer compile in 1.1.

The question is how much pain you enjoy. I would personally only install 2.0
to a beta machine and leave it at that. But, then, I am not a big fan of pain.


Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!