Yes you can.
If you use Yahoo Messenger, Live Messenger Users, will see your Online
Status, if they added you to their Contact list with the Yahoo address.
Unless you block them, or operating as "Invisable". The Yahoo Messenger does
not have to be using MSN/Live Messenger to text chat with you.
a. You will only be able to text message and send files, you will not be
able to use the Voice Chat feature, unless both are using MSN/Live
If you use another address other than Yahoo, then you will need to start
MSN/Live Messenger, to text message, share file, and voice with one another.
You cannot use AOL/AIM Messenger will not work with MSN/Live Messenger, as
Yahoo Messenger does.
It's noon time on Sunday, the account confirmation page is not working
properly right now. But should work in the next few days. So when you sign
onto MSN/Live Messenger, you may get a confirmation verication warning, it
may take several attempts to get that to work.
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Is it possible to use Live Messenger with our personal ISP email address,
and not a Hotmail address?
What about a Yahoo email address? Can it be used to sign on to Live