Can I use a variable contain the name of a sub or function to call it?

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I would like to be able to decide at run time which of several subs to
call and, when writing the code, it may be impossible to even know the name
of the sub.

That is, I cannot use code like:
if i > 5 then
call This()
call That()

because I have no idea what the names of "This" or "That" may be.

I would like to do something equivalent to:
Sub MyCode(SubName as WhateverIsNeeded)
Call SubName
End Sub

Thanks for any help.
Look at the 'CallByName' function.

Is there some reason why you can't include the module at design time?

In either scenario you cite, you still need to know the name of the
procedure to call so why does it matter how you implement this? We need
more info to better help you...
I would like to be able to decide at run time
which of several subs to call and, when writing
the code, it may be impossible to even know the
name of the sub.

Take a look at the help page for Application.Run. Be sure the limitations
fit your needs.

Sub test()
Dim mc As String, nb As Integer
nb = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Choose a number between 1 and 10", Type:=1)
If nb > 5 Then mc = "This" Else mc = "That"
Call MyCode(mc)
End Sub

Sub MyCode(SubName As String)
Application.Run (SubName)
End Sub

Sub This()
MsgBox "This"
End Sub

Sub That()
MsgBox "That"
End Sub