It is a valid answer; however, many will advise against the
use of the Hover Button.
The reason for this is that Hover Buttons require Java to be
installed on the computer, and MS is no longer supplying it.
What you could do is to use Dynamic HTML to perform an image
swap during a mouseover event. This utilizes javascript,
which is supported by the majority of browsers.
: Yes you can! If you are using FP2003, all you have to do
goto insert menu and
: click on hover button (in case you don't see hover button,
then click on
: tool>customize>commands>insert catagory>commands scroll
down and get the
: hover button option and click on the insert drop down menu
and add that
: button there) add the link, click on customize and add the
pictures you would
: want to add. I hope that is the answer to your query.
: "IMichaelG" wrote:
: > Can I turn a small picture into a hover button so it
lights up when the
: > curser is over it? Thanks