Can I transfer NTSC video to PAL in Movie Maker?

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Hi, I would love to take some video I made here in the US and transfer the video into PAL so my in-laws can see their grandchild. I was told I could do this in Moviemaker. Is this true?
If you want to do it properly then you need a decent program, the likes of
canopus procoder, check out If you want to do it cheaply
and aren't to bothered about the end quality, you could use tmpgenc, which does a semi-decent
basic conversion. Bear in mind that the two are totally different in the way
the signal is made up and the resolution/size etc.

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
iwannalearn said:
Hi, I would love to take some video I made here in the US and transfer the
video into PAL so my in-laws can see their grandchild. I was told I could
do this in Moviemaker. Is this true?
Nearly all TVs in the UK can happily cope wth an NTSC signal, when input
through either a SCART or S-Video cable
Cari (MS-MVP Windows Client - Printing, Imaging & Hardware)

iwannalearn said:
Hi, I would love to take some video I made here in the US and transfer the
video into PAL so my in-laws can see their grandchild. I was told I could
do this in Moviemaker. Is this true?

Yes you can do a convert. Simply import the video then go to the tools >
option and set the format that you want to create, then save your movie in
the new format.

You will get a slight amount of distortion because the two base standards
have differing widths and Height and there may be artifacts produced by
converting between 25 and 30 frames per second. Therefore the quality stand
little chance of being as good as the original. How bad it actually is will
very largely depend on the content.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

It would help if you could quote the body of the message that you are
replying to. Most MS 'instructors' need tutoring!!


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

| Thanks for your advice. :) But are you all sure the Movie Maker doesn't
convert? I took a MovieMaker class at college, and the instructor said
MovieMaker did. But of course, I didn't really trust the instructor. :p
I have never been able to convert more than approximately 5 minutes before
the audio goes so badly out of sync as to render the finished completely

Since 99.9% of DVDs and VCRs in PAL countries will happily put out a
viewable signal from a NTSC file there really is no point.

4.4 Can I play an NTSC tape in a PAL country?
4.6 Can I watch NTSC DVD's in a PAL country?

Basically NTSC footage in a PAL country is NOT a problem. PAL footage in an
NTSC country is a HUGE problem, but not one the amateur usually needs to
address, and one the enthusiast has fairly easily overcome with the right
hardware choices.
Hi there,

That's very odd. Before I posted my comments I converted a 30 minute PAL
to NTSC. All I got was the effects mentioned. I wonder if its a one way
street...I will have to get hold of some genuine NTSC from my youngest in
the USA and put that through its pace's.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly