Can I test SQL Querys in Access 2007?



Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio has a way to test and play around with
SQL Querys, and I was wondering if there was something similar in Access
2007. I can't seem to find anything anywhere to do this...

Thanks Again,

Tom van Stiphout

On Mon, 7 Apr 2008 20:53:12 -0700, MLyons10

No. You can design and run them, but nothing else.


I'm not so sure that your answer is correct.

He is asking about SQL queries.. and mentions SSMS.
It seems to me like he wants to build an Access Data Project.

Office Button, New, Files of Type = 'Access Data Project (*.adp)'.
Hit ok and then give it a file name.

Presto chango- it's going to prompt you for the SQL Server database
that you would like to test SQL Queries in.




In SQL Server Management Studio, you can type SQL Querys, Select Statements,
etc., and it will load up the data so that you can check to see if the query
is working. This allows you to correct problems in the Select Statement,
know that it works, then add it to the Visual Studio code already knowing
that it does work... This is the only real way to test to make sure that a
Query works. Can I do this in Microsoft Access 2007? They use the same
Querys... If not, this is something that I am very surprised was



Yes. You can do that in MS Access. It is called 'Access Data

Office Button, New, hit the Browse Button.
Choose 'files of type = Access Data Project (*.adp)' from the file
browser dialog.

Hit OK to create the file.
Type in your SQL Server name and DatabaseName--- or select them from
the dropdown if you have AD configed.

And then you're done!

You can create SQL (Server) queries in ADP and then put them in VS or
anywhere else that you want.

Access doesn't offer this functionality; because the Jet database
engine is _STILL_ going away.

-Aaron Kempf

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