Can I Sync between to calendars in the same mailbox?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Birger
  • Start date Start date



I'would like to have two calendars 1 public for co-workers (shared) and
another private. Everything I write in the shared calander should
replicate/sync to the private. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance / Birger, Sweden
This is not what you are asking for, however I would like to
suggest to you the use of the PRIVATE option.

I have my calendar set to default REVIEW for everyone in my
company. However, there are items that are private and I would
rather not have my co-workers know. For these items I use the
PRIVATE button (itty bitty check box at the bottom right corner of
all appointments.) By turning on this button on an appointment I do
not want to share, it allows everyone to see that I am busy during
this time, but it is none of their business what with.

Example: Interview for GREAT position in better department. If I
place this on my calendar all my co-workers will see is a gray block
for the time period stating that it is PRIVATE. =)

This is nice for me so that I do not overbook, and can still see all my
days activities clearly.

I also use categories so that If I use a filter view, I can see all my
MEDICAL, or PRIVATE alone on my calendar and print.

Nikki Peterson