Can I speed up the DotNet application at all?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zardoz
  • Start date Start date



I'm migrating a project from VC6 to VC7 and I'm astonounded at how
slowly everything happens. Intellisense takes a while, the context
help does its stuff eventually. I've got a 2.8 Ghz machine with loads
of RAM - more to the point it makes VC6 look speedy and responsive.

Any suggestions?
Yeah it is possible to precompile your MSIL into native code. This may
improve the performance of your application as the time taken for JIT
compilation of your functions by the CLR into native code at the first call
of each function is reduced. This may be accomplished by the use of a tool
called NGEN.EXE which accompanies with the .net Framework. This tool takes a
dll or exe as its target and produces the native code image of it and stores
it in a separate file. Actually this new native image also has the extension
..dll or .exe respectively and is always registered to the GAC whether your
application is registered to GAC or not. If you feel the application created
in .net has some performance hit you may opt for this NGEN.EXE. I think this
information may be helpful to you.
Yeah, Visual Studio is slow. Try defragging your hard drive, getting a
hyperthreaded CPU, & 1gb of ram. No joke. Also, if you're running a lot of
programs, that can slow it down. And if your project is huge, that will ofc
hurt the speed.

Plus, in VS, under Environment->General, uncheck Animate environment tools.
Also, hide/turn off dynamic help.

You can also adjust Windows XP & turn off a lot of the visual effects
(animated menus, fading in/out of dialogs, etc.), that may help.

There were some other things I did to VS to speed it up, but I don't recall
the rest...
You might want to talk to product support services to see if there's
something in particular with your project or setup that's making things go
really slow. With lots of RAM (say, at least 512MB -- I use 1.5GB), you
shouldn't have perf problems, really.