Can I set a page of a Multipage form to active?


John T Ingato

My question is three fold.

1.. Can I set a page of my mutipage form to whichever tab I choose using VBA. ??? Something like "" . I know this is Invalid. I am just giving an example of what I am looking for.
2.. Can I detect which tab the end user is working in?
3.. Also can i set page one as the default page to start in. I know its not a big deal, but everytime I adjust my form object and close it, without making sure that page one is the active page, the next time I start the program, the form init fails... more specifically... "Userform1.NameEntry.SetFocus". The reason of course is because that item is on the first page.

My main goal is this:

I have a multipage form with two tabs or pages

Tab 1) for entering and displaying employee names
Tab 2) for entering their location responsibilities

Each tab has an "add" button, and "addbutton1", which is on page 1, is the default button, ( for the enter key )

When the user switches to tab two, I would like to set "addbutton2.default = True. But I need to know where the user is.

I'm sorry if that was confusing. I was trying to be simple, but make sure enough info was shared.

Thank You

Jake Marx

Hi John,

Please use plain text when posting to the newsgroups - it makes quoting
easier and is much smaller.

The Value property of the MultiPage container is what you're looking for.
It is a zero-based value, so the first tab has value 0, the second value 1,

So to set the focus to the second tab, you would do this:


To get the current tab, you would do this:

Debug.Print MultiPage1.Value + 1

To set the default, you can either set the Value property at design time (in
the properties window) or in the Form_Initialize event.


Jake Marx

My question is three fold.

Can I set a page of my mutipage form to whichever tab I choose using VBA.
??? Something like "" . I know this is Invalid. I
am just giving an example of what I am looking for.
Can I detect which tab the end user is working in?
Also can i set page one as the default page to start in. I know its not a
big deal, but everytime I adjust my form object and close it, without making
sure that page one is the active page, the next time I start the program,
the form init fails... more specifically... "Userform1.NameEntry.SetFocus".
The reason of course is because that item is on the first page.

My main goal is this:

I have a multipage form with two tabs or pages

Tab 1) for entering and displaying employee names
Tab 2) for entering their location responsibilities

Each tab has an "add" button, and "addbutton1", which is on page 1, is the
default button, ( for the enter key )

When the user switches to tab two, I would like to set "addbutton2.default =
True. But I need to know where the user is.

I'm sorry if that was confusing. I was trying to be simple, but make sure
enough info was shared.

Thank You

Tom Ogilvy

Userform1.Multipage1.value = 0 selects page one. (page numbering is zero

Query this to see what page is active.

Do the first in your userform_Initialize event.

Tom Ogilvy

My question is three fold.

Can I set a page of my mutipage form to whichever tab I choose using VBA.
??? Something like "" . I know this is Invalid. I
am just giving an example of what I am looking for.
Can I detect which tab the end user is working in?
Also can i set page one as the default page to start in. I know its not a
big deal, but everytime I adjust my form object and close it, without making
sure that page one is the active page, the next time I start the program,
the form init fails... more specifically... "Userform1.NameEntry.SetFocus".
The reason of course is because that item is on the first page.

My main goal is this:

I have a multipage form with two tabs or pages

Tab 1) for entering and displaying employee names
Tab 2) for entering their location responsibilities

Each tab has an "add" button, and "addbutton1", which is on page 1, is the
default button, ( for the enter key )

When the user switches to tab two, I would like to set "addbutton2.default =
True. But I need to know where the user is.

I'm sorry if that was confusing. I was trying to be simple, but make sure
enough info was shared.

Thank You

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