For primary teaching purposes, I'm trying to make some custom
animation on a slide in PPT 2003 with this sequence:
I choose a Diagram Organization Chart> Radial diagram, with 1 inner
and 6 outer nodes.
In the "Appear" dialog box>Diagram Animation>Clockwise Inward.
Starting from 12 oclock on the radial diagram, I want a small pictures
to enter and associate with node_1. I then want the label text to
appear in the node, then class discussion of the subject of node_1.
When node_1 is completed I want node_2 to appear, associated pictures
to enter, and then the label text of node _2 to appear in the node.
What is happening instead is that the as each node appears in
clockwise steps, the node's label text is already in the node before
the pictures appear and I can't seem to find a way to make the text
appear as the last action in each node.
Please can anyone tell me if PPT 2003 will do this, or will upgrading
to a later version enable this level of control?
Jayne Bartram
animation on a slide in PPT 2003 with this sequence:
I choose a Diagram Organization Chart> Radial diagram, with 1 inner
and 6 outer nodes.
In the "Appear" dialog box>Diagram Animation>Clockwise Inward.
Starting from 12 oclock on the radial diagram, I want a small pictures
to enter and associate with node_1. I then want the label text to
appear in the node, then class discussion of the subject of node_1.
When node_1 is completed I want node_2 to appear, associated pictures
to enter, and then the label text of node _2 to appear in the node.
What is happening instead is that the as each node appears in
clockwise steps, the node's label text is already in the node before
the pictures appear and I can't seem to find a way to make the text
appear as the last action in each node.
Please can anyone tell me if PPT 2003 will do this, or will upgrading
to a later version enable this level of control?
Jayne Bartram