(1) I want to create and maintain a new business web site for my wife (a
Realtor) using FrontPage 2003. I'd rather use my pc instead of her pc (both
meet FrontPage 2003 system requirements with broadband internet service).
Can I do this, or is there a good reason to use her pc when creating and
updating the website? (2) This will be my first attempt to create a website.
Is FrontPage 2003 as easy to use as they claim?
Realtor) using FrontPage 2003. I'd rather use my pc instead of her pc (both
meet FrontPage 2003 system requirements with broadband internet service).
Can I do this, or is there a good reason to use her pc when creating and
updating the website? (2) This will be my first attempt to create a website.
Is FrontPage 2003 as easy to use as they claim?