Ned Hart
Well, last night I followed the instructions from a prior post to the
newsgroups and moved my primary dns/dhcp/wins running on win2k to new
hardware. I copied the dns and wins files over to the new server, and
I used DHCPexim for dhcp. I then moved the ip address settings over
to the new server and shut down the old server. It seems to be working
and now I want to remove the old server from the domain and rename the
new one to match the name of the original server. I will be moving
the secondary dns/dhcp today, so I'll be checking the group for a
response. Maybe I can rename them today.
newsgroups and moved my primary dns/dhcp/wins running on win2k to new
hardware. I copied the dns and wins files over to the new server, and
I used DHCPexim for dhcp. I then moved the ip address settings over
to the new server and shut down the old server. It seems to be working
and now I want to remove the old server from the domain and rename the
new one to match the name of the original server. I will be moving
the secondary dns/dhcp today, so I'll be checking the group for a
response. Maybe I can rename them today.